Handout: Communal Charter

1. A Safe Learning Space

  • All participants shall have equal opportunity to engage
  • All participants shall be free to express themselves in their language of choice
  • We shall strive for patience, tolerance and respect for each other’s world views
  • While we recognise the value of debate and disagreement, we also commit to tackle views and arguments and NOT the person articulating them
  • We also all commit to being considerate about how what we say affects the next person. The principle is “if it is hurtful to another participant, then it is not acceptable”
  • Interruptions and interjections will not be tolerated. Neither will the “hogging of space” and “posturing”
  • We will endeavour to be open and embrace change
  • We will listen actively, cooperate, encourage each other, be present in the room and participate in all activities and negativity.
  • We will work hard but also have fun!!!

2. How we relate to each other

We will interact with each other in ways that show respect for and appreciation of:

  • Our pronouns and how we identify ourselves
  • Our sexuality
  • Personal space

We will not show up for sessions drunk or hungover.

3. Cell-phone use

  • To encourage maximum participation, the use of cell-phones in the classroom is not allowed
  • Cell-phone use can take place during the breaks provided

4. Punctuality

Participants commit to the following:

  • To be seated five minutes before the commencement of the session
  • To be accountable to the self and the entire group
  • No special concessions for late-coming
  • Should a participant anticipate to be late, they should inform at least one person from the subcommittee of facilitators and participants on time
  • Corrective measures for lateness will be deliberated and resolved on by the entire class

5. Decision Making Procedures

  • We shall address disagreements through open discussion and debate
  • Showing compassion and respect for each other’s journeys
  • Honouring each other’s struggles
  • Grievances shall be reported to the subcommittee of facilitators and participants